Perfect Indian Dedicated Servers for projects with medium and big amounts of traffic
India Dedicated Server Hosting best plans and Cheap price services Company:
Oaky Marketing has features a wide variety of India Dedicated Server Hosting plans. These servers are categorized into multiple groups such as gaming, enterprise, and cPanel servers. The plans vary by the number of cores, processor speeds, RAM, and disk space. All dedicated server plans feature hard and soft remote reboots as well as KVM/IPMI interface to help customers troubleshoot and fix server issues remotely.
India Dedicated Server Hosting Plans

In addition to dedicated servers, the company offers similar plans for Windows or Linux-based cloud servers. India Dedicated Server Hosting needs to be located at a secured data center in Noida, Delhi NCR India with high bandwidth connections to telecommunication networks, and offer optional access to a content delivery network. When you need tech support for your dedicated server, average customer service won’t do, you need to be able to get a hold of a hosting expert. Oaky Marketing is another quality hosting provider that offers premium Cheap India Dedicated Server Hosting.
They offer a wide variety of configurable Linux and Windows dedicated servers. Their entry level plan for both Linux & Windows (named Basic), comes with 8 GB of RAM and starts at $89/mo. You get what you pay for and they do have one of the highest uptime and performance stats we’ve monitored.
Best India Dedicated Hosting Server facility your business and its for growth. Speed, reliability and flexibility are what our India Server Hosting best service provide. India Dedicated Server Hosting Best Services plans and Cheap price service provide. We offer a technical support team which monitors your server 24*7 a day and give you support during any server issue. It’s a key factor for choosing a service provider.